Stay Connected With Civic Engagement
By Kaitlyn Ball, Cobb Collaborative Vote Your Voice Coordinator
The midterm election is over…now WHAT?!
Election day has passed, but civic engagement doesn’t stop there! We know that when we have more civically engaged communities, we have better health outcomes, lower crime, and greater resiliency to community stressors like economic downturns.
So how do we stay civically engaged after we cast our ballot? Voting is just the first step in the process, but we can continue being civically engaged by getting involved in our community and with our elected officials. Community events, from farmers markets to cultural festivals to recycling days, are abundant within Cobb. Not only are they fun and family-friendly, they also give us a chance to get to know our community leaders and elected officials since they are likely to attend or even host these events. When we engage with our leaders, such as commissioners or city council members, we can provide a perspective that more accurately reflects the needs of our community and includes us in the decision-making process.
The best way to stay in the know about ways to engage civically within your community is to follow your local city and county newsletters, and community civic engagement groups, like the Boys & Girls Club or YMCA. In these newsletters, you can find out about town halls, forums, and other community events happening in your area. You can also find out about any upcoming local elections that are just as important as Presidential or Midterm elections since we will vote for those leaders within our direct community who help us thrive.
So while this election season may be coming to an end, your involvement doesn’t have to! Stay local, stay informed, and stay engaged.
P.S. Keep an eye out for updates regarding the Runoff Election on December 6th!