Marietta Alcohol Awareness Campaign

Parents Who Host, Lose the Most: Don’t Be a Party to Teenage Drinking– A campaign
to educate parents about the health and safety risks of providing alcohol to teenagers
and increases awareness of and compliance with underage drinking laws.

Jump on this bandwagon! The Cobb Community Alliance to Prevent Substance Abuse
(CCAPSA) is working to prevent underage drinking in Cobb County by implementing the
Parents Who Host, Lose the Most campaign.

Alcohol remains the #1 drug of choice among youth. Underage alcohol use is often perceived as a rite of passage, but drinking
alcohol can have lasting effects on the developing brain, such as: Reduction in cognitive function (memory, development of new brain cells, etc.)
 Impaired decision making
 Increased chances of engaging in risky behaviors
 Reduction in the brain’s white matter (responsible for communication between

Read more about the campaign here: Marietta Alcohol Awareness Campaign

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