Collaborative Events: Week of September 20

What's happening with Cobb Collaborative this week (1) (1)

Here’s a look at what’s happening with Cobb Collaborative this week:

ThursdaySeptember 23  

In partnership with Cumberland Counseling Centers, Cumberland Community Church is pleased to invite you to attend their first ever Faith and Mental Health Luncheon for faith and community leaders on September 23. If the opportunities to learn more about the intersection of mental health resources and faith communities, equip you with community resources and connect with your fellow faith leaders are not enough, we will feed you lunch!

Please RSVP in advance so Cumberland Community Church can plan for your attendance. Thank you so much!

Thanks to Cobb EMC Community Foundation for their support of this event.

Click here for meeting Zoom link. Meeting ID: 815 7524 3966 Passcode: 602993

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