Working for the Good of our Community

2024 was another wonderful year for the Collaborative. Some of the highlights of the year include:

  • Adding staff members.
  • Ending the year with over 120 Collaborative members.
  • Growing our social media reach.
  • Releasing 24 new Mind Your Mind Speaks Podcast episodes with 871 downloads.
  • Hosting 93 unique mental health events with 2,156 total attendees.
  • Distributing over 5,000 books and installing 12 new Little Free Libraries.
  • ...and MORE!

Mission, Vision & Values

Mission: Engaging, Educating and Empowering the community to improve the well-being of children and families.


Vision: Cobb County partners working together to create opportunities for all people to thrive.



  • Partnership
  • Resource sharing
  • Diversity
  • Inclusion
  • Public Good
  • Collective Impact
  • Stronger Together

Learn more about the Collaborative by listening to a  conversation between Cobb Collaborative's Executive Director, Irene Barton, and other employees of Cobb Collaborative as they give you on overview of what the Cobb Collaborative is and what they do.

Cobb Collaborative continues to bring the community together to improve outcomes for children as we facilitate comprehensive activities for networking and capacity building in our three focus initiative areas of mental health, literacy and civic engagement.

Stress, anxiety, and depression are on the rise and impact people from all walks of life.

The ability to read is proven to directly influence the opportunities and successes of children’s lives.

Equipping all residents to get involved with local institutions builds trust and connection.

Georgia Family Connection

We are proud to serve as the local partner for the state-wide network known as the Georgia Family Connection Partnership (GaFCP).

This unique network brings together more than 3,000 local- and state-level partners in all 159 counties across Georgia who work toward measurably better outcomes for our state's children, families, and communities. Georgia Family Connection is the only statewide network in the country dedicated to the health and well-being of families and communities. The work of the Cobb Collaborative mirrors the work being performed across Georgia in support of 5 state-wide initiatives:

As Georgia's designated KIDS COUNT grantee, the GaFCP compiles current, reliable data on child and family well-being in each of our state’s 159 counties. Georgia KIDS COUNT, a GaFCP project, reports year-to-year data highlights, trends, and disparities on child well-being to inform planning, budget, and policy decisions regarding priorities, services, and resources that affect children, families, and communities in our state.

Georgia tracks 50 Indicators of Child Well-Being in five result areas that support our vision of healthy, thriving children, families and communities. Georgia KIDS COUNT produces and updates a variety of online data tools and resources to inform and guide users. These tools create a context for using and interpreting complex data, and they support informed decision-making. This data is available to the public to help stakeholders fulfill their missions. See the various KIDS COUNT Resources.

Data books are available on the GaFCP website.

Prevent Child Abuse Cobb

Cobb Collaborative is the Prevent Child Abuse Georgia (PCA Georgia) local council for Cobb County. Cobb Collaborative educates, engages, and empowers local people and organizations to improve outcomes for children and families in Cobb County. In this role as Prevent Child Abuse Cobb, the Collaborative will continue work within our programming to bolster child abuse and neglect prevention efforts and awareness in the community.

2024 Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency


We’re excited to share that Cobb Collaborative has earned a 2024 Platinum Seal of Transparency with Candid!

Check out our Candid Nonprofit Profile to learn more and make a difference with your support by clicking here.